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The line manager and wellbeing

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New research suggests that for nearly 70% of us, our manager has more impact on our mental health than our doctor or a therapist – equal in fact to our partner. As businesses prioritise employee wellbeing more than ever, we explore the ways, good and bad, that managers affect the wellbeing of their teams. We will identify those managerial behaviours that are most strongly associated with high levels of productivity as well as of wellbeing and we will show how managers are the most important factor in creating a wellbeing culture. 

Webinar overview:

  • Why the line manager is key to workplace wellbeing 
  • Good and bad people management 
  • Why strong people skills are important 
  • Managerial behaviours associated with high levels of employee wellbeing 
  • The managers own wellbeing 
Illustration depicting a mental health matters.

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