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Positive mental health at work

A growing awareness of personal and organisational impacts of mental health has led many businesses to make tackling it at work a strategic priority.

Mental health problems cost UK businesses between £33 billion and £42 billion a year and the economy overall, a huge £100 billion.

Over and above these financial costs there are millions of people whose mental health problems are having a huge negative impact on their wellbeing and quality of life.

A growing awareness of these personal and organisational costs has led many businesses to make tackling mental health at work a strategic priority.

This webinar provides an overview of mental health problems and looks at how work can reduce or exacerbate their impact. It will also offer some ideas
for managing your own mental health.

Webinar overview:

  • What is good mental health?
  • The facts about mental health at work and in society
  • Mental health and stigma
  • Overview of mental health conditions
  • Special focus on stress, anxiety and depression
  • Recognising the signs that someone may be struggling with a mental health problem
  • Looking after your own mental health

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Illustration depicting a mental health matters.

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