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Building your resilience

To cope with the stresses that our complex lives produce, it’s vital to work on our resilience.

Technological developments and lifestyle changes over the last 50 years, mean we live in a world that has never been so complex.

Most of us are contending with the difficult task of achieving a favourable work-life balance. On the one hand, we have demanding jobs within constantly changing organisations, whilst on the other, we’re grappling with the complications of busy personal lives. And for many of us one of the biggest challenges is caring. With life expectancy far higher than it once was, more people than ever find themselves ‘sandwich generation carers’ with caring responsibilities at both ends of the age spectrum.

To cope with the stresses that such complex lives produce, it’s vital to work on our resilience.

This webinar looks at the different ways we can be affected by stress, particularly in the workplace, and explores how a better understanding of our resilience can help us withstand the pressures we face across the different areas of our lives.

Webinar overview:

  • What is resilience?
  • The building blocks of resilience
  • Why resilience is so important
  • What is stress and is it harmful?
  • Workplace triggers of stress
  • How to build your resilience

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