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Complaints policy

We aim to provide an efficient and effective service at all times. However, sometimes things go wrong and when this happens we want to remedy matters quickly. We are also keen to hear if our service is working well.

We encourage your complaints and comments, because your views help us continuously improve our services. We aim to handle all complaints objectively and impartially. Making a complaint will not affect the future level of service you receive from us.


We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service provided by us. Complaints will normally fall into four categories:

  • the service we provide or do not provide
  • the way we provide the services
  • if we do not apply a policy as we have set it out
  • partner organisations with whom we work and who provide a service to clients on our behalf

We do not consider an enquiry about a service or an initial request for a service or an explanation of BWC’s policy position as a complaint. However, your comment on any aspect of our work is welcome, as this would help us in monitoring and improving our standards.

How will we deal with your complaint?

We will deal with your complaint as quickly as possible. We will be fair, courteous and helpful. We will also treat complaints seriously, confidentially and in line with our equality and diversity policy. We will keep you informed and will also keep written records and monitor all complaints.

How to complain

Level 1

A complaint can be made verbally or, preferably, in writing to any member of staff and in particular frontline staff with whom you have direct contact. Complaints must be made within six months of the incident occurring. We will try our best to resolve your complaint immediately. However, if this is not possible, your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days and will be passed on to the appropriate manager, who will investigate and send a written reply within ten working days. Please note if the complaint relates to one of our partners we will ask them to investigate in line with their own complaints procedure which may lengthen the time before we can respond. If this is the case we will inform you when acknowledging your complaint.

Level 2

If you are not happy with the response, you can apply in writing, to us for a review of your complaint. You will receive a reply from a member of the Leadership Team within 21 working days.

Level 3

If you are dissatisfied with the review, you have a right to appeal to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will review your complaint and you will receive a reply within 21 working days.

What we will do

If your complaint shows that BWC has failed in some way and is at fault, we will offer:

  • An explanation
  • An apology
  • Action to rectify things and reassure you that the problem will not happen again


All complaints are recorded and monitored to ensure that we learn from our mistakes.

Areas that fall outside the complaints policy

Our grant making decisions are based upon the eligibility of the applicant and the item or activity they seek funding for and we follow a grants policy which outlines this eligibility criteria.

If you feel that we have not correctly applied that policy, please let us know. However, the complaints policy cannot be used to question a decisions to not award a grant if that grant does not meet our criteria.

If you have feedback on our policies and grants criteria please do share that with us and we will include any feedback as part of the regular policy review process.

Compliments and comments

We appreciate feedback regarding our service, these help us to ensure that we continue to provide an efficient and effective service. We send satisfaction and impact surveys to clients after they have been in touch with us. We also welcome ad hoc feedback, which clients can send directly to the frontline staff with whom you have been in touch.

What we will do

We record all feedback and staff and Trustees regularly review the survey responses to understand how the services are working. If feedback has not been anonymised we will record it electronically with the case notes for your case. Where possible we share feedback with our teams so they can see the positive impact of their work.

Contact information

Post: Bank Workers Charity, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 5QQ



This policy was last updated in May 2023.

Illustration depicting a mental health matters.

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